Almost from the begining, the single cylinder motorcycle found itself to be the ideal test bed for those keen on developing and refining the internal combustion engine.
On more than one occasion, engine makers used ex War Dept. Norton motorcycles to test piston designs relating to diesel engines and one of these eventually made it into the early London taxis (see here).
This site exists as a reminder of those early achievements and the #eco friendly #motorcycles produced thereafter by many private citizens keen on getting from A to B in the most economical way possible.
There is much to be gained in staying ahead of 'the pack'.
Governments maybe set on taxing us from the road but nobody can deny the history of the diesel motorcycle movement, what it did in forwarding car engine design and the spirit of those that made it what it is.
Riding an #Alternative motorcycle, whether it be with a diesel or, as legislators now want, an electric motor, is something we are here to encourage. To the average motorcyclist, both are presently seen as the antithesis to popular and petrol powered motorbikes and until that changes, we support both technologies.
The only problem that gives us is to figure where it all goes next!
Enjoy the site!